Sunday, August 11, 2013

Focus and Improve

Isn't it thrilled that if you focus on something and it is really moving and improving?

Uncertain future leads frustration. Then turn time into effort. Make every single event meaningful. Reward must come to you. Don't judge the reward by its size. Just walk on and keep going...


Sunday, August 4, 2013

One, Two, Three, Cheese

The fun part of taking picture with a pet is you would never know how the picture turns out until it is reviewed. 

I really like the way how the camera reflects Bobby's mood. 

Geek in Park

As usual we bring Bobby to park on Sunday, it is shamed that dogs are not allowed in most of the park in Hong Kong and the park management tends to ban many activities in the parks like No running, No cycling, No screaming... Well, obviously we have ignored the rule ;P